Articles tagged: Digital notes

File Sharing without a Server

file sharing

File sharing, remote access and collaborative environments have quickly become a top requirement for businesses operating in today’s mobile landscape. The need to access valuable business assets from any device, or location, whether the internet is accessible or not has lead the way for file sharing services to enter the marketplace with a plethora of options. It is no longer a business requirement to have an on-site server to give members of your organization secured access to its data. Our consulting team takes a closer look at how to share files without the investment of a server. Read more +

Battle of the notes – OneNote vs. Evernote

compulite note taking

The effectiveness of note taking has long been studied and tested as a powerful way to summarize and retain key points. It is a skill that can be applied across all industries, and necessary in almost every occupational role. While the pen and paper method of note taking may be your go-to technique, there are alternatives to move your note taking to another level.

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