Articles in category: Hosting

4 Ways the Cloud Could Drop the Ball

the cloud

While cloud computing has brought several benefits to the way small businesses (and non-profits alike) operate, there are some disadvantages to consider prior to becoming completely dependent on the cloud.

Perhaps the most well know concern end-users face when considering cloud migrations involve data sovereignty. As these concerns have been addressed in previous posts, we will focus here within, on other roadblocks that operating on cloud-based technology can present.

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Data Privacy and Microsoft Score Victory

data privacy

Data privacy and the governance of personal or business data is challenging to manage in today’s global landscape. Users generally entrust their data to third parties (i.e. Internet Service Providers). The level of privacy to be expected has caused much debate. Further complicating data sovereignty concerns, are world governments using their own interpretation of privacy laws. As a result there is often confusion and overreach during investigations where data is stored on other countries’ servers.

In what has been referred to as a landmark decision, an appellate court ruled this July that the US government could not obtain personal data held overseas by issuing a domestic warrant. Read more +

How the Trans-Pacific Partnership is Going to Effect Your Business

After years of negotiation, a trade agreement was reached on October 5th that will affect multiple industries and have a potentially large economic impact. The impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on local Ottawa small and medium sized businesses while seemingly full of opportunity, has many others fearing it as a threat to global internet users. So why is it that a poll conducted by Innovation Research, shows that 70% of Canadians are not very familiar, or not familiar at all with what the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is? Read more +

Privacy in the age of ubiquitous IT outsourcing

When discussing data sovereignty or data residency we are referring to the concept that data is subject to the laws of the country in which it is located. Data sovereignty became a growing concern for many local companies as a reaction to the USA PATRIOT Act that was signed into law in 2001.

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